All consultations are by appointment only, please call reception to make an appointment on 01 912 5230.
Each appointment is for one person only.
On occasion demand for day time urgent GP appointments exceeds our facility to safely deliver care. We will in that case advise you to contact KDOC on 045 848 701 for an out of hours GP consultation or if the matter is very urgent to attend a Hospital Emergency Department.
Bloods at this practice must be requested by a GP or consultant in advance. Appointments for bloods must be before 11.15 as our courier goes to the Lab at 11.30. We do not email blood results to patients.
Please do not present yourself or your child for vaccines if you or your child are sick on the day, please reschedule for when you are better.
If you have very limited or no English, please bring a family member or friend to translate if this is possible. This is to aid delivery of safe care.
There is a charge of €80 for the first visit at this practice where we comprehensively go through your medical history. This does not apply to patients who have a medical card or doctor visit card, over 70s, under 8 card or carer card. When your files have been requested and imported securely into our systems from your previous GP practice you may attend for an appointment.
Our ethos is that we give patients time when they need it. We are committed to the delivery of the highest standards of evidence based medicine. We practice patient centred care and will take time to provide information to you and involve you in your care decisions.
Requesting Your Appointment
Please note a GP surgery receptionist is not simply someone who answers the phone - they are specially trained to help you get the most appropriate treatment as fast as possible. In order to do this, they may need to ask you questions about why you need to see a doctor.
When an appointment is for a specialised procedure please specify when making the appointment.
Patients with more than one issue to discuss should book a double appointment to ensure that appropriate consultation can take place. Otherwise, patients may be asked to book another appointment at a later date.
Urgent cases will be seen on the day where possible but we may not be able to offer a choice of doctor or time.
Late for Your Appointment
Please let us know if you are late for your appointment by phone. If you are late for your appointment you may need to reschedule.
Cancel Your Appointment
Please let us know as soon as possible if you cannot keep your appointment by calling reception. This will allow us to offer the appointment to another patient.
Chaperone Policy
We will always respect your privacy, dignity and your religious and cultural beliefs particularly when intimate examinations are advisable - these will only be carried out with your agreement and you will be offered a chaperone to attend the examination if you so wish.
You may also request a chaperone when making the appointment or on arrival at the surgery (please let the receptionist know) or at any time during the consultation.